Friday 28 June 2013

Sun 23rd, El Questro

We are enjoying the camp and the antics of the mad Corellas as well as the other birdlife so decide not to do anything much but hang around the campsite. We go into the township for an ice cream, coffee and to fill up a jerry can and two solar showers with water. We drop in at Jeff and Helen's campsite on the way back out.

I shift the shower tent to under a tree so we can use the solar showers. The rest of the day is spent around the campsite until it is time for showers and to get ready to go out for dinner.

View downstream from our campsite

Dinner at the Steakhouse, Chris acts as driver for the evening. Nice environment looking out to the lit river, BYO. Good quality food though a tad on the expensive side. Jeff, Helen, Mike & Sue shout us as part my belated birthday dinner and as a thank you for putting the trip together.


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