Tuesday 16 April 2013

Tue 16th, Kununurra

Mike and Sue went back to the visitors centre to get a pamphlet on Wyndham which we planned to visit today. The lady at the centre recognised them and said she had provided the wrong info yesterday and that we did need to book the Bungle Bungle 48 hours ahead and that it needed to be done at the DEC office, not through them.

So off we went to the DEC office and booked our 4 nights in the Purnulu NP, after which we headed off to Wyndham.

Stops were:

  • Old telegraph station on the way into Parry Creek Lagoon
  • Parry Creek Lagoon for bird watching. Coming out we rescued 4 German tourists who had got themselves bogged on the Wyndham exit from the lagoon.
  • 5 rivers lookout at Wyndham
  • Five Rivers Cafe for barra and chips
  • Then a quick look around the town and the Afghan cemetery

View from the old telegraph station

The old telegraph station

Parry Creek Lagoon and bird hide

German tourists in a spot of bother. Sticker on rear of car says 'Shit Happens''! Extracated with three linked snatch straps by the Tourag.

View from the Five Rivers Lookout at Wyndham


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